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How to alter the sum value in knex

How do I multiply the result value in Knex

    .whereBetween('date-s', [req.params.startDate,req.params.endDate])
    .sum({sixtyPercentOfTotalSale:"sales-after-returns"} * 0.6)
    .then(result => res.json(result))

the first two line is working fine ,I am not getting the third value sixtyPercentOfTotalSale ,how can I alter the sum of column ?

this is the error I'm getting in the console

Unhandled rejection TypeError: value.toLowerCase is not a function

Not sure about the problem but this might work-- Just use knex.raw-

    .whereBetween('date-s', [req.params.startDate,req.params.endDate])
      knex.raw('sum(sales-after-returns) as totalSales'),
      knex.raw('avg(sales-after-returns) as averageSales'),
      knex.raw('sum(sales-after-returns * 0.6) as sixtyPercentOfTotalSale'),
    .then(result => res.json(result))

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