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Running music in the background from google chrome extension

I am making a google chrome extension, where you press certain buttons, it starts, pauses, or restarts a song. I got it working but there is one problem. When I close the extension, the song stops! I need to know if there is a way around this. I have looked into background scripts and stuff, but I can't get them to work. Please help as this is one of my first google chrome extensions, and I would like to learn more. Thanks for any help you give me!

Html: (popup.html)


<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<script src="popup.js"></script>


<h1>Music Player</h1>

<div id="ludicrous_speed">Ludicrous Speed 
<audio id="ludicrous" src="songs/ludicrous_speed.mp3" preload="auto"></audio>
<button class="Start" id="StartLudicrous">Start</button>
<button class="Pause" id="PauseLudicrous">Pause</button> 
<button class="Restart" id="RestartLudicrous">Restart</button>



Javascript: (popup.js)

function Start(song) {

function Pause(song) {

function Restart(song) {
song.currentTime = 0;

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
var Start_Ludicrous = document.getElementById('StartLudicrous');
var Pause_Ludicrous = document.getElementById('PauseLudicrous');
var Restart_Ludicrous = document.getElementById('RestartLudicrous');

Start_Ludicrous.addEventListener('click', function() {
Pause_Ludicrous.addEventListener('click', function() {
Restart_Ludicrous.addEventListener('click', function() {

CSS: (styles.css)

body {



.Start {
background-color: #42f46e;
border-color: #42f46e;
border-radius: 30%;

.Pause {
background-color: #f4e349;
border-color: #f4e349;
border-radius: 30%;

.Restart {
background-color: #e03838;
border-color: #e03838;
border-radius: 30%;

Manifest: (manifest.json)


"name":"Music Player",
"description":"Play Music",



The document that popup.html creates exists only as long as it's open.

The moment the popup closes the <audio> element no longer exists.

A background page provides a solution to that - it exists independently of the popup.

You don't normally create a background page's HTML yourself, only provide a bunch of scripts. But nothing stops you from creating a DOM node on the fly:

// background.js
var audio_element = document.createElement("audio");
audio_element.src = "songs/ludicrous_speed.mp3";


Now, the popup's code won't be able to directly access the audio_element of the background page; you could do a quick hack job with getBackgroundPage methods, but it's preferable to learn how Messaging works and use chrome.runtime.sendMessage from the popup to control the background.

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