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SQL Server - Self Join

I have a table as follows

EmployeeID  Name    ManagerID   
2           David   3
3           Roger   NULL
4           Marry   2
5           Joseph  2
7           Ben     2

Here Roger is Top Manager Mike & David are Managers And rest all are employees

I am looking for output like this:

EmployeeName    ManagerName     TopManager
Marry           David           Roger
Joseph          David           Roger
Ben             David           Roger
NULL            David           Roger

I tried using Self Join like:

SELECT e1.Name EmployeeName, ISNULL(e2.name, 'Top Manager') AS ManagerName
FROM Employee e1
LEFT JOIN Employee e2
ON e1.ManagerID = e2.EmployeeID

but it is not giving the output I am looking for.

If you can have different top managers, then a recursive CTE is needed:

with cte as (
      select employeeid, name, name as topmanager
      from Employee
      where managerid is null
      union all
      select t.employeeid, t.name, cte.topmanager
      from Employee t join
           on t.managerid = cte.employeeid
select *
from cte;

If there is only one top manager, then:

select e.*, topm.name as topmanager
from employee e cross join
     (select e2.* from employee e2 where e2.managerid is null) as topm

I think you have to do self join twice to get the desired output.

I created the query in this way and got the output which you have mentioned. Please note that I did not include the last row which has null value, and rest the same as it is.


create table Employees (EmployeeID int, Name varchar(10), ManagerID int) 

Insert into Employees values 
(2, 'David'  , 3   )
,(3, 'Roger'  , NULL)
,(4, 'Marry'  , 2    )
,(5, 'Joseph' , 2    )
,(7, 'Ben'    , 2    )

select e.name as EmployeeName,  e1.name ManagerName,    e2.Name TopManager  
from Employees e 
left join Employees e1 on e.ManagerID = e1.employeeid 
left join Employees e2 on  e1.ManagerID = e2.EmployeeID 
where e.ManagerID is not null  and e1.ManagerID is not null 

Where condition was given to restrict the manager names in Employee column.


EmployeeName    ManagerName  TopManager
Marry           David        Roger
Joseph          David        Roger
Ben             David        Roger

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