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JPA Criteria API - LEFT OUTER JOIN not populating a @OneToMany List

This is my entity:

public class Patrimony {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "patrimony")
    List<Patrpos> positions;

My code is:

CriteriaBuilder cb = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();

CriteriaQuery<Patrimony> cq = cb.createQuery(Patrimony.class);
Root<Patrimony> root = cq.from(Patrimony.class);

Join<Patrimony, UserProfile> userprofile = root.join(Patrimony_.userprofile);
Join<Patrimony, Patrpos> joinPatrpos = root.join(Patrimony_.positions, JoinType.LEFT);

joinPatrpos.on(cb.equal(joinPatrpos.get(Patrpos_.dtPatrpos), dateproc.minusDays(1)));


TypedQuery<Patrimony> query = manager.createQuery(cq);

List<Patrimony> list = query.getResultList();

The query that is being generated looks ok, and it's something like:

    patrimony0_.id as id1_10_0_,
    positions3_.id as id1_11_1_,
    patrimony0_.category_id as categor15_10_0_,
    patrimony0_.description as descript2_10_0_,
    patrimony0_.vl_valuation_start as vl_valu14_10_0_,
    positions3_.dt_patrpos as dt_patrp2_11_1_,
    positions3_.vl_patrpos as vl_patrp6_11_1_,
    patrimony patrimony0_ 
inner join
    userprofile userprofil1_ 
        on patrimony0_.userprofile_id=userprofil1_.id 
left outer join
    patrpos positions2_ 
        on patrimony0_.id=positions2_.patrimony_id 
        and (
inner join
    patrpos positions3_ 
        on patrimony0_.id=positions3_.patrimony_id 
where userprofil1_.id=161

The query seems to be returning all the data that I need, the entity Patrimony is being returned with all the data ok, except the "List positions" attribute, which is always null.

Thank you.

Reviewing the unit test, I notice that I didn't call flush() and clear() after inserting the test data. I added flush and clear before calling the query and all the entities were populated correctly.

Thank you all for the comments.

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