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How to print user email using vehicle user_id in Laravel 5.6

I am working with Laravel 5.6 and mysql in my app. and I am new to the Laravel. I have following table as vehicles,

id  name  number  user_id
1   car   123        1
2   van   258        2
3   lorry 125        5
4   car   896        7

and user table like this,

id name    email
1  hyu     agt@mail.com
2  opv     yyuj@mail.com
3  kio     juik@mail.com
4  lop     kiuf@mail.com
5  hyg     htgd@mail.com

Now I need print email using above vehicles table user_id in my blade file, how can I do this? Edit I have following blade file to print vehicles table,


edit my vehiclecontroller,

 public function show($id)
        $vehicles = Vehicle::find($id);

        return view('vehicles.show')->withVehicles($vehicles);

and show blade file,

<div class="col-md-5" id="vl"> 
<div><label >Brand:</label>{{$vehicles->name}}</div>
<div><label >Model:</label>{{$vehicles->number}}</div>

If you have a relation in place on your Vehicle model which looks like this:

public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

you can simply access the user property to get the email : {{ $vehicle->user->email }}

For improved performance, it makes sense to eager load the users when you fetch the vehicles from the database:

$vehicles = Vehicle::with('user')->get();

First take a look at this to create model for tables and then you can join it for both the tables and get user email too.

$vehicles = Vehicle::select('vehicles.name', 'vehicles.number', 'users.email')
        ->leftjoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'vehicles.user_id')->get();

You can also use Laravel relations to achieve this.

$userEmails= DB::table('vehicles')
            ->join('contacts', 'user.id', '=', 'vehicles.user_id')

Try above code. This is SQL join concept. For your reference https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/queries#joins

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