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How to fetch all columns of table except one

I am fetching data from product detail table but i don't want to fetch all the columns from the table as i want to make a dynamic product detail page which will display the data directly from the table whenever we add a new column so that we don't have to make any changes in the code.

This is where the data getting display


Reference for the table of product detail


You have a horrible table structure. Try something like this...

id, field_name, data

CREATE TABLE `fieldstore` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `field_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `field_data` varchar(200) NOT NULL

Example data: 1, "blend", "bamboo" (The 1 is of course auto-increment).

This way, you can have an unlimited number of field names without having to alter your table structure every time you wanted to add a new column.

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