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python & livejson Object of type '_NestedList' is not JSON serializable

Ok so I'm trying to make a dictionary rename function but I keep getting the error Object of type '_NestedList' is not JSON serializable no matter what I do, I've tried a few things which when I try them on repl they work no issues... except when I try them on my end.

The json for it looks like custom["commands"]["command"]["beep"]
so what I'm trying to do is change it to custom["commands"]["command"]["boom"]

    "command": {},
    "commands": {
        "command": {
            "beep": {
                "created": "2018-11-04 16:32:50.013260",
                "created2": 1541349170.0132835,
                "createdby": "me",
                "disablefor": [],
                "enabledfor": [],
                "message": "asd",
                "public": "self",
                "type": "text",
                "unsendtimer": 0,
                "unsendtrigger": false
            "bep": {
                "created": "2018-11-04 16:34:38.723840",
                "created2": 1541349278.7238638,
                "createdby": "me",
                "disablefor": [],
                "enabledfor": [],
                "message": "asd",
                "public": "self",
                "type": "text",
                "unsendtimer": 0,
                "unsendtrigger": false
            "boop": {
                "STKID": "423",
                "STKPKGID": "1",
                "STKVER": "100",
                "created": "2018-10-27 00:53:38.067740",
                "created2": 1540601618.0677645,
                "createdby": "me",
                "disablefor": [
                "enabledfor": [],
                "message": "8775249726676",
                "public": "on",
                "type": "sticker",
                "unsendtimer": 0,
                "unsendtrigger": true
        "commandgrab": false,
        "commandgroup": ""

that's what the json file looks like, Anyone has any suggestions I'd love them thanks

You are using the livejson package, rather than python's built-in json package.

livejson json structures are a tree of livejson objects; evidently livejson does not directly support moving these objects between keys:

>>> import livejson
>>> test['foo'] = {'bar': {'baz': [1, 2, 3]}
>>> test
{'foo': {'bar': {'baz': [1, 2, 3]}}}

>>> type(test['foo']['bar']['baz'])
<class 'livejson._NestedList'>

>>> test['foo']['bar']['quux'] = test['foo']['bar']['baz']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Object of type _NestedList is not JSON serializable

livejson objects have a data property that returns the standard python lists and dicts that livejson is wrapping, so you need to use this property to reassign the key's value:

>>> test['foo']['bar']['quux'] = test['foo']['bar']['baz'].data

# Now remove the old value
>>> del test['foo']['bar']['baz']
>>> test

{'foo': {'bar': {'quux': [1, 2, 3]}}}

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