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JUnit multiple test in single class

public class AccountModel extends AbstractModel {
    public static BigDecimal balance = new BigDecimal(0.00);
    public static BigDecimal balanceEuro = new BigDecimal(0.00);
    public static BigDecimal balanceYen = new BigDecimal(0.00);

    // deposit method
    public static BigDecimal deposit(double amount) {
        balance = balance.add(new BigDecimal(amount));
        return balance;

    // withdraw method
    public static void withdraw(BigDecimal withdraw) {
        balance = balance.subtract(withdraw);


    public static BigDecimal euro() {
        balanceEuro = balance.multiply(new BigDecimal(0.79));
        return balanceEuro;

    public static BigDecimal yen() {
        balanceYen = balance.multiply(new BigDecimal(94.1));
        return balanceYen;

    public static BigDecimal balance() {
        return balance;


    public void notifyChange(ModelEvent me) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public class AccountModelTest {
    AccountModel accTest = new AccountModel();

    // test deposit method
    public void testDeposit() {
        // BigDecimal balance = new BigDecimal(0.00);

        // excepted balance
        BigDecimal expectedBalance = new BigDecimal(130.00);
        System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedBalance.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) + " Actual: "
            + accTest.balance().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN));

        BigDecimal balance = new BigDecimal(0.00);
        assertEquals(expectedBalance.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN),
            accTest.balance().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN));

    // test withdraw method
    public void testWithdraw() {
        AccountModel accTest1 = new AccountModel();
        accTest1.withdraw(new BigDecimal(30.00));

        BigDecimal expectedBalance1 = new BigDecimal(10.00);

        System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedBalance1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) + " Actual: "
            + accTest1.balance().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN));

        assertEquals(expectedBalance1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN),
            accTest1.balance().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN));


So I'm doing 2 separate test cases for the withdraw method and deposit method. When I implement 1 test case The deposit method works fine, and also the withdraw method works fine. But when I run the test like shown above, the test always fails. The output is

Withdraw Expected: 10.00 Actual: 10.00

Deposit Expected: 130.00 Actual: 140.00 (should be 130.00)

Since you are using static fields inside AccountModel class their value is shared between all AccountModel instances. Make them private non-static:

private BigDecimal balance = BigDecimal.ZERO;
private BigDecimal balanceEuro = BigDecimal.ZERO;
private BigDecimal balanceYen = BigDecimal.ZERO;

JUnit is creating new instance of AccountModelTest class for every @Test with new AccountModel so starting balance will be zero for every test.

every test show run with clean context, you are sharing AccountModel accTest with multiple tests. you should set up and clean the context each time a test run.

public class AccountModelTest {
AccountModel accTest;

@Before // this code will run before any test start, it will create new model for each test
void setUp() {

    AccountModel accTest = new AccountModel();

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