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How to scope a MySQL JOOQ rename table query to the same database?

I have a scala application that manages multiple MySQL database schemas, which includes modifying (adding, renaming, etc.) tables. The commands are issued over a connection pool that connects to a generic management database in the database server.

Because the application is designed to be cross-database, I use JOOQ to render SQL queries (execution is done via a separate JDBC module).

I experience issues with JOOQs alterTable(...).renameTo(...) DSL - consider the following example:

We have a table "TestTable" in database "TestDatabase". Let's say I want to rename that table simply to "Foo", keeping it in "TestDatabase".

This code:

val context = DSL.using(SQLDialect.MYSQL_5_7)
val query = context
              .alterTable(table(name("TestDatabase", "TestDatabase")))
              .renameTo(name("TestDatabase", "Foo"))

Generates: ALTER TABLE `TestDatabase`.`TestTable` RENAME TO `Foo` However, since the connection pool I'm using is connected to my management database, it just renames the table to "Foo" and moves it to my management database. I would have expected the SQL to be: ALTER TABLE `TestDatabase`.`TestTable` RENAME TO `TestDatabase`.`Foo` . I tried a variety of alternatives to invoke the .renameTo method and convice it to use the fully qualified name, to no avail:

  • .renameTo(table(name(...) -> same behaviour.
  • .renameTo("`TestDatabase`.`Foo`") -> Escapes the name with backticks, treats it as one name instead of a qualified name.

I'm wondering if I'm missing something, if this is intended behaviour, or maybe even a bug or design shortcoming of JOOQ.

Is there a way to rename the table using fully qualified names?

Thank you!

That's a bug in jOOQ: https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/8042

Your workaround is close. This doesn't work:


As you've noticed, behind the scenes, the DSL.name() API is used to wrap the target name, because the renameTo() method doesn't implement the plain SQL templating API . You can, however, explicitly use plain SQL templating by writing as a workaround:


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