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Tables getting dropped when running node server.js and re-seeding db. Sequelize

I'm running into an error where when I do a get request in node to my database, I'm getting an empty array. So I look in the console log and it says it's dropping all tables if exist and then creating them but the seed file is not running. I can run "npm run seed" outside of the server and it will seed the database but it keeps dropping and not seeding when I run node server.js. I even tried putting the path to the seed inside the packages.json "start": to make both the seed and server run on start but no luck. The app was working perfectly but one of my team members accidentally pushed to the master and it messed up the app I don't know what's messed up because this was working before the git messup. I've created a new repo though now and getting same problem.

 "start": "node server.js ./seeds/seed-db.js"

     const db = require("../models");
    const productSeeds = require("./seed-products.json");

     db.sequelize.sync({ force: true }).then(function() {
  name: "Cotton Mill Farmers Market",
  address: "401 Rome St.",
  city: "Carrollton",
  state: "GA",
  zip: "30117"
    ]).then(function(dbMarkets) {
   dbMarkets[0].createProduct(productSeeds.broccoli).then(function() {



Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MarketProduct ; Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Product ; Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Markets ; Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Markets ; Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Markets ( id INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment , name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255), city VARCHAR(255), state VARCHAR(255), zip INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( id )) ENGINE=InnoDB; Executing (default): SHOW INDEX FROM Markets FROM grocerEZ_db Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Product ; Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Product ( id INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment , name VARCHAR(255), category ENUM('meat', 'fruits', 'vegetables', 'misc'), isOrganic TINYINT(1), PRIMARY KEY ( id )) ENGINE=InnoDB; Executing (default): SHOW INDEX FROM Product FROM grocerEZ_db Executing (default): DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MarketProduct ; Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MarketProduct ( createdAt DATETIME NOT NULL, updatedAt DATETIME NOT NULL, MarketId INTEGER , ProductId INTEGER , PRIMARY KEY ( MarketId , ProductId ), FOREIGN KEY ( MarketId ) REFERENCES Markets ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ( ProductId ) REFERENCES Product ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB; Executing (default): SHOW INDEX FROM MarketProduct FROM grocerEZ_db App listening on PORT 3000

Just change

db.sequelize.sync({ force: true }) // <-- Forces table to drop and create again


db.sequelize.sync({ force: false , alter : true })


If force is true, each Model will run DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, before it tries to create its own table

Alters tables to fit models. Not recommended for production use. Deletes data in columns that were removed or had their type changed in the model.


db.sequelize.sync , this should run only once , when you want to create / modify the table based upon the changes you have made on models , would suggest to put that in separate file and run it when it is required.

This is how you should run query by checking connection not by running sync ,

 db.sequelize .authenticate() .then(() => { console.log('Connection has been established successfully.'); }) .catch(err => { console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', err); }); 

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