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Pass FirebaseFirestore reference in Intents

I need to send a FirebaseFirestore reference of a collection in intents from one activity to another which will be used to add documents by the second activity. How can I do that?

Pass the path of the document as a string as an extra in the intent. You can use getPath() to get the path from a DocumentReference, then use that same string to build a new DocumentReference by passing it to the document() method of FirebaseFirestore.

Try using getPath() and then passing it to document reference.


Getting path from the reference

String documentId = getSnapshots().getSnapshot(position).getReference().getPath();

                // Bring users to View Event when clicking on viewEventButton
                holder.viewEventButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view1) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), ViewEventActivity.class);
                        ((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).startActivity(intent);

Getting Document from String path

        String documentId = getIntent().getStringExtra("documentId");
        String documentName = documentId.substring(documentId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

        // TODO how to reflect document path based on the event that users click on the app -> documentPath -> SharedPreferences from HomePage
        DocumentReference docRef = db.collection("Events").document(documentName);

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