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serializing nested json c#

Big apologies for the long post. I need to create the below json format for a post to rest api in c#. The below call works and I have used successfully in Postman to add it to the target system.

"item": {
    "attrs": {
        "attr": [{
                "name": "IP_Category",
                "value": "Miscellaneous"
            }, {
                "name": "Description",
                "value": "Picture of Rabbit"
            }, {
                "name": "Title",
                "value": "A Rabbit"
    "resrs": {
        "res": [{
                "filename": "Rabbit.jpg",
                "base64": "/9j/4AAQSkZJR"
    "acl": {
        "name": "Submitter"
       "entityName": "IP_Document"

Based on the research I've done I need to copy and "paste special" into a new class file in visual studio so it can create the class objects based on the json format (Pretty cool!). And this is what it creates:

namespace BasicWebApp

public class Rootobject
    public Item item { get; set; }

public class Item
    public Attrs attrs { get; set; }
    public Resrs resrs { get; set; }
    public Acl acl { get; set; }
    public string entityName { get; set; }

public class Attrs
    public Attr[] attr { get; set; }

public class Attr
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string value { get; set; }

public class Resrs
    public Re[] res { get; set; }

public class Re
    public string filename { get; set; }
    public string base64 { get; set; }

public class Acl
    public string name { get; set; }

Problem 1: Why is vs renaming the res json object to to class Re? Is it a reserved word in c#?

Problem 2: I know I have to nest things in this fashion but I two levels deep and not sure what to code?

var model = new Rootobject();
model.item = new Item
    attrs = new Attrs
        attr = new List<Attr>
                 **now what??**

Don't have answer to your first question yet(but looking for it):

For your second question, at now what part you just do:

new Attr(){ name = "name1", value = "value1" },
new Attr(){ name = "name1", value = "value2" }

But that's not what i advise. I advise you to have your Attr collection ready then assign it. Like:

var model = new Rootobject();
model.item = new Item
    attrs = yourAttrCollection

It also goes for everyting else you do. Have your stuff ready, then assign them. It increases readability in nested objects.

Problem 1: Why is vs renaming the res json object to to class Re? Is it a reserved word in c#?

No Re is not reserved word in class. As mentioned by TheGeneral

res is plural for re's

You can use JsonProperty attribute to resolve this issue like

public class Resrs
    public Re[] res { get; set; }

Problem 2: I know I have to nest things in this fashion but I two levels deep and not sure what to code?

var model = new Rootobject();
model.item = new Item
    attrs = new Attrs
        attr = new List<Attr>
                 new Attr { name = "abc", value = "ABC" },
                 new Attr { name = "pqr", value = "PQR" }

Thanks to all that responded. It helped. I ended up using the below code to create the json object I needed.

var model = new RootObject();
            model.item = new Item
                attrs = new Attrs
                    attr = new List<Attr>
                    new Attr { name = "IP_Category", value = ddlContent.Text },
                    new Attr { name = "Description", value = txtDesc.Text },
                    new Attr { name = "Title", value = txtTitle.Text }
                resrs = new Resrs
                    res = new List<Re>
                    new Re { filename = fName, base64 = base64string},
                acl = new Acl
                    name = "Submitter"
                entityName = "IP_Document"

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