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Spring boot restful web service. Xml response wrongly formatted

I've got a simple Restful webService using Spring Boot 2.1, Java 8, running on Eclipse Neon. Im sending the following request:


and im getting back the following (incorrect) response:


ie i've got 2 patentList elements in the response ,instead of an inner patent element, and I don't know why. My 2 POJO classes to map the request are:

public class PatentListWrapper {

private List<Patent> patents;

public List<Patent> getPatentList() {
    return patents;

public void setPatentList(List<Patent> patents) {
    this.patents = patents;


public class Patent {

private String guid;

public String getGuid() {
    return guid;

public void setGuid(String guid) {
    this.guid = guid;

public Patent() {

my REST Controller class is:

public class PndController {
ReadFromDb db;

@RequestMapping(value = "/guidRequest/xmlList", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" }, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE )

public PatentListWrapper guidSearchList(@RequestBody  PatentListWrapper patentListWrapper) {
    System.out.println("DS in  guidSearchList()");

    patentListWrapper = db.readGuidsFromDb(patentListWrapper); // Set the guid in the patents List in patentListWrapper

    return patentListWrapper;

and ReadFromDb class:

public class ReadFromDb {

public PatentListWrapper readGuidsFromDb(PatentListWrapper patentListWrapper) {
    List<Patent> patents=  patentListWrapper.getPatentList();
    for(Patent patent : patents) {
    return patentListWrapper;


I'm sending my resuest using the windows ARC Advanced Rest Client: Rest client with Content-type=application/xml

I've established that both patentList element names map to get PatentList () in PatentListWrapper. How do I get the response envelope to match the request envelop? Any help appreciated.

it is true , just create the getter setter method with the same variable name like below instead of using different names for getter setter methods

private List<Patent> patents;

public List<Patent> getPatents() {
 return patents;

public void setPatents(List<Patent> patents) {
 this.patents = patents;

or use the GSON and use @JsonProperty and define the required value name , further if you are not using the IDE to generate getters and setters you better use lombok plugin .

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