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Microsoft Graph API - GET Grading 'maxPoints' for Assignment

I'm using the Microsoft Graph API with Laravel and attempting to pull a classes assignments with their grading points - the maxPoints property. The endpoint for this is /education/classes/{classID}/assignments

I can successfully call the data and dump it which returns the following data.

  "id" => "*****-****-****-****-*********"
  "classId" => "*****-****-****-****-*********"
  "displayName" => "Encryption and Decryption"
  "dueDateTime" => "2018-10-29T12:30:00Z"
  "status" => "assigned"
  "grading" => [
    "@odata.type" => "#microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentPointsGradeType"
    "maxPoints" => 100

The grading gets returned with its odata type set to the type EducationAssignmentPointsGradeType class and the maxPoints property is available. This is where I get stuck. I then loop through the data in the view using:

@foreach($assignments as $assignment)
  {{ $assignment->getGrading()->getMaxPoints() }} 

However this returns the following error:

Call to undefined method Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Model\EducationAssignmentGradeType::getMaxPoints()

The getGrading() method is of type EducationAssignmentGradeType . I'm not sure how to fetch maxPoints from this however, as the EducationAssignmentGradeType class has no methods in it. The EducationAssignmentPointsGradeType class however, has the getMaxPoints method available.

How would I go about calling the getMaxPoints method?

I believe your problem here is that the Microsoft Graph SDK only supports /v1.0 and Assignments is currently only available in the /beta endpoint.

You seem to be using the Beta models but my experience with these have been, at best, hit-or-miss. Looking at the EducationAssignmentGradeType model , it doesn't look like the models have been updated since maxPoints was rolled out to the beta (it's also missing points in the EducationAssignmentPointsGrade model as well.

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