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Python - NLTK Bigram Keep <s> and </s> as one word

I am trying to create a program to calculate bigram probabilities. My first step is to work out the combinations of a sentence.

Each of these sentences start with a <s> and end with a </s> . So lets say my example sentence was <s> my name is python </s> , my result should be (I have p tags because I will work out the probability after)

p(my | <s>)
p(name | my )
p (is | name)
p (python | is)
p (</s> | python)

But instead i'll get a result like:

Counter({('<', 's'): 1, ('s', '>'): 1, ('>', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'name'): 1, ('name', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'python'): 1, ('python', '<'): 1, ('<', '/s'): 1, ('/s', '>'): 1})

How would I seperate the <s> and </s> as a separate word and not split it.

My code is:

text = "<s> my name is python </s>" 
token = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
bigrams = ngrams(token,2)



Lets say I have a text file

<s> a a b b c c </s> <s> a c b c </s> <s> b c c a b </s>

I then open this text file and perform the following operation on it and store it in a list.

temp = re.split("\s+",line.rstrip('\n'))

So now in my list I have:

[['<s>', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', '</s>'], ['<s>', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'c', '</s>'], ['<s>', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'b', '</s>']]

Now from this stage I want to perform calculations to get the bigram probabilities. I dont know If my initial question will help get the result but essentialy I am trying to figure out how many times those combinations occur ie you need to check how many times a letter appears next to the other

You should probably write your own bigrammizer if you can split by space (which is usually a tought condition. I'm would remain I'm and not I m)

def custom_bigrams(l):
    return list(zip(l, l[1:]))
print(custom_bigrams(['<s>', 'my', 'name', 'is', 'python', '</s>']))

it prints

[('<s>', 'my'), ('my', 'name'), ('name', 'is'), ('is', 'python'), ('python', '</s>')]

To use it on your list, you have to calculate bigrams and then use the update method from Counter.

your_list = [['<s>', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', '</s>'], ['<s>', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'c', '</s>'], ['<s>', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'b', '</s>']]

c = Counter()
for x in your_list:


 Counter({('b', 'c'): 3, ('<s>', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'b'): 2, ('c', 'c'): 2, ('c', '</s>'): 2, ('a', 'a'): 1, ('b', 'b'): 1, ('a', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'b'): 1, ('<s>', 'b'): 1, ('c', 'a'): 1, ('b', '</s>'): 1})

It is normal that NLTK tokenizer makes errors when segmenting '<s>' and '</s>' you should remove them before calling the tokenizer and then add them after tokenization.

text = "<s> my name is python </s>" 
clean_text = text.replace('<s>','').replace('</s>','')
token =  ['<s>'] + nltk.word_tokenize(clean_text) + ['</s>']
bigrams = ngrams(token,2)

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