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how to convert public key to string using openSSL api?

I am able to retrieve the public key contents from a cert file using openssl by following the link http://fm4dd.com/openssl/certpubkey.htm

However, it prints the public key to stdout. I want to be able to store it in a string . Is there a way to get it into a char buffer or a string ?

The line PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(outbio, pkey) prints to stdout.

Searched quite a bit, wasnt able to get what I wanted.

Any help will be appreciated, better if the code sample is provided as I'm running out of time.

Thanks in advance.

I found a solution finally ! X509 structure to human readable string

Just replaced with EVP_PKEY *key in X509_to_PEM() signature and used PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, key) instead of PEM_write_bio_X509(bio, cert) .

Worked !

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