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I want the user to return to while loop after game finishes

Take input from user 1

player_1 = input("Enter your choice player_1 from rock,paper or scissor: ")

Take input from player 2

player_2 = input("Enter your choice player_2 from rock,paper or scissor: ")

Rules of rock paper scissor 1- paper covers rock 2- rock beats scissors 3- scissors cut paper

answer = []
while True:
    if player_1 == player_2:
        print("The game is tied sorry!!")
    elif player_1 == "paper" and player_2 == "scissor":
        print("scissor beats paper player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "scissor" and player_2 == "paper":
        print("scissor beats paper player_1 won")
    elif player_1 == "rock" and player_2 == "paper":
        print("paper covers rock player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "paper" and player_2 == "rock":
        print("paper covers rock player_1 won")
    elif player_1 == "scissor" and player_2 == "rock":
        print("rock breaks scissor player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "rock" and player_2 == "scissor":
        print("rock breaks scissor player_1 won")

    answer = input("Do you want to play the game again? y or n : ")
    if answer == "y":
answer = []
black5 = True
while black5:

    player_1 = input("Enter your choice player_1 from rock,paper or scissor: ")
    player_2 = input("Enter your choice player_2 from rock,paper or scissor: ")

    if player_1 == player_2:
        print("The game is tied sorry!!")
    elif player_1 == "paper" and player_2 == "scissor":
        print("scissor beats paper player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "scissor" and player_2 == "paper":
        print("scissor beats paper player_1 won")
    elif player_1 == "rock" and player_2 == "paper":
        print("paper covers rock player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "paper" and player_2 == "rock":
        print("paper covers rock player_1 won")
    elif player_1 == "scissor" and player_2 == "rock":
        print("rock breaks scissor player_2 won")
    elif player_1 == "rock" and player_2 == "scissor":
        print("rock breaks scissor player_1 won")

    answer = input("Do you want to play the game again? y or n : ")
    if answer != "y":black = False

Will continue if y is choosen adn exit if n is choosen.

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