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Python retry using tenacity without decorator

I am trying to do a retry using tenacity (without decorator). My code looks like as explained here .

import logging
from tenacity import retry
import tenacity

def print_msg():
        raise Exception('Test error')
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error('caught error')
        raise e

if __name__ == '__main__':
        format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
        r = tenacity.Retrying(
            tenacity.wait_incrementing(start=10, increment=100, max=1000),
        except Exception:
            logging.error('Test error 2')
    except Exception:
        logging.error('Received Exception')

On executing the above code. The output looks like below with no retry

/Users/dmanna/PycharmProjects/demo/venv/bin/python /Users/dmanna/PycharmProjects/demo/retrier.py
25-11-2018:00:29:47,140 INFO     [retrier.py:21] Starting
25-11-2018:00:29:47,140 INFO     [retrier.py:8] Hello
25-11-2018:00:29:47,140 INFO     [retrier.py:9] World
25-11-2018:00:29:47,140 ERROR    [retrier.py:12] caught error
25-11-2018:00:29:47,141 ERROR    [retrier.py:31] Test error 2

Process finished with exit code 0

Can someone let me know what is going wrong as I am not seeing any retry in the above code?

This has been answered here . Cross posting the answer

Hum I don't think you're using the API correctly here:

 r = tenacity.Retrying( tenacity.stop_after_attempt(2), tenacity.wait_incrementing(start=10, increment=100, max=1000), reraise=True )

This translates to:

 r = tenacity.Retrying( sleep=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(2), stop=tenacity.wait_incrementing(start=10, increment=100, max=1000), reraise=True )

Which is not going to do what you want.

You want:

 r = tenacity.Retrying( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(2), wait=tenacity.wait_incrementing(start=10, increment=100, max=1000), reraise=True )

Note for Python 3.4+ users (which supports annotations), to explicitly force a retry in Tenacity the general use case is to annotate it with a simple @retry and then raise the special Exception TryAgain .

def do_something():
    result = something_else()
    if result == 23:
       raise TryAgain

This approach similar to the answer for Python 2.7 on this page can also be implemented:

import tenacity

def do_something():
    result = something_else()
    if result == 23:
       raise TryAgain

r = tenacity.Retrying(
        wait=tenacity.wait_incrementing(start=10, increment=100, max=1000)

For further detail, see the API documentation on whether to retry or thesource that defines annotations .

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