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Mips Assembly toggle case

I'm trying to toggle a simple user given text from lower case to upper and vice versa. Example: “Hello” after running it becomes “hELLO” essentially toggling cases. The program currently only converts from lower case to upper. My question is, how can the transition from Uppercase to lowercase be implemented based on what's already written. Forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong. Am fairly new to this. This is what I currently have:

     promp:           .asciiz "Enter string: "
     str:             .space 81
     toogle_msg:      .asciiz "The result is "

     .globl main 

                 li $v0,4                   # syscall code to print
                 la $a0,promp               # promp message tag
                 syscall                    # print promp
                 li $v0, 8                  #syscall code to read string
                 li $a1, 81             # space for string          
                 la $a0, str                # str message tag
                 syscall                    # print

                 li $v0, 4
                 li $t0, 0

                 lb $t1, str($t0)       
                 beq $t1, 0, exit           # go to exit if $t1=0
                 blt $t1, 'a', case     # go to case if $t1>a 
                 bgt $t1, 'z', case     # go to case if $t1<z
                 sub $t1, $t1, 32           # subtract 32 and save in $t1
                 sb $t1, str($t0)

                 addi $t0, $t0, 1
                 j loop                 # go to loop

                 li $v0,4                   # syscall code to print
                 la $a0,toogle_msg          # toogle message tag
                 syscall                    # print toggle_msg
                 li $v0, 4                  # syscall code to print
                 la $a0, str                # str message tag
                 syscall                    # print str

                 li $v0, 10             # syscall code to exit
                 syscall                    # exit

You look to be attempting to handle the case where it is a lower case letter which is fine - however you also need to handle the upper case - pretty much similar logic as you have, except for upper to lowercase.

Using you existing and adding minimal changes:

      lb $t1, str($t0)      
      beq $t1, 0, exit      # go to exit if $t1=0
      blt $t1, 'a', not_l_case      # go to case if $t1>a 
      bgt $t1, 'z', not_l_case      # go to case if $t1<z
      sub $t1, $t1, 32      # subtract 32 and save in $t1
      sb $t1, str($t0)
      j next_char
      blt $t1, 'A', not_u_case      # go to case if $t1>A 
      bgt $t1, 'Z', not_u_case      # go to case if $t1<Z
      add $t1, $t1, 32      # add32 and save in $t1
      sb $t1, str($t0)
      addi $t0, $t0, 1
      j loop

There are a number of other ways it could be implemented which may provide less code.

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