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Using PATCH Method In Retrofit and @Body Annotation

My Url is


When I use this code the response code is always 500.

Interface Code

@Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"})
Call<GeoTag> postGeoTagData (@Body geoTagUserData geoTag, @Path("custId") String id, @Header("Authorization") String auth);

In Activity

        Retrofit retrofit  = new Retrofit.Builder()
            .baseUrl(" http://sales.erprnd.com/api/v2/")
    ApiInterface apiInterface = retrofit.create(ApiInterface.class);

   Call<GeoTag> geoTagCall =  apiInterface.postGeoTagData(geoTagUserData, CustCode, "Bearer "+body.getToken() );
   geoTagCall.enqueue(new Callback<GeoTag>() {
       public void onResponse(Call<GeoTag> call, Response<GeoTag> response) {

           Toast.makeText(GeoTaggingActivity.this, ""+response.code(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

       public void onFailure(Call<GeoTag> call, Throwable t) {
           Toast.makeText(GeoTaggingActivity.this, "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

When I use Postman the response is 201 AND Response IS {} which is ok. My jsonObject is

 "alt_address":"test address",
 "height":"12 ft",
 "width":"24 ft",
 "photo": ""

I Have created another class where i get all information from user which is geoTagUserData i get all the info perfectly

Please Help me find the error .

Finally I got The Solution which is, When I Send Data to Send Data to server from My App it just get the value against every field form geoTagUserData Class it doesn't @post Converted Data in JSON Format. When My Server Find That I just Values Not In JSON Format Then It Just Rejected And Return 500 error

So, My solution is just Using Gson Converter get The value form user and Converted it to JSON object. and Send That to Server Which will Return 201

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