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How to specify which version of a concrete implementation for an abstract class to autowire in Spring?

Having the following class structure:

public abstract class A {
    String someProperty = "property"

    public abstract void doSomething();

public class Aa extends A {

    public abstract void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("I did");

public class Ab extends A {

    public abstract void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("I did something else");

I need a way to tell Spring which A concrete class to Autowire in my Foo service, based on a property in a properties file.

public class Foo {

    private A assignMeAConcreteClass;

And in my properties file I have this:

should-Aa-be-used: {true, false}

删除@Service注释,而是在读取属性的配置类中编写@Bean -annotated方法 ,并返回相应的A实例。

Not a new way but in your case I think that a possible suitable way would be to use FactoryBean in the class that wants to inject the bean conditionally.
The idea is simple : you implement FactoryBean by parameterizing it with the interface of the bean that you want to inject and override getObject() to inject the wished implementation :

public class FactoryBeanA  implements FactoryBean<A> {   

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private boolean shouldBeUsed;

    public A getObject() {

        if (shouldBeUsed) {
            return applicationContext.getBean(Aa.class));

        return applicationContext.getBean(Ab.class));


But FactoryBean instances are not classic beans. You have to configure it specifically.

You could configure it in a Spring Java configuration in this way :

public class FactoryBeanAConfiguration{

    @Bean(name = "factoryBeanA")
    public FactoryBeanA factoryBeanA() {
         return new FactoryBeanA();

    public beanA() throws Exception {
        return factoryBeanA().getObject();

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