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How to make so that, when running Activiti Modeller, in my application, the task and script task service after the timers do not cause errors?

If Activiti Modeler is running simultaneously with my application, and if it uses the same database for the Activiti engine as my application, then the service task and script task following the timers (the boundary timer event and the intermediate catching event) do not work, and cause errors. Error descriptions are as follows: "couldn't instantiate " - for the service task (if the class is specified), "Can't find a scripting engine for 'groovy'" - for the script task. If I use Spring, and assign a bean to the service task, then I get an error with the description: "Could not execute service task expression".

At the same time I found and tried this recommendation:

In order for everything to work without errors, you need to compile the classes that are used by the service task, and put them with all the packages in which they are located in the WEB_INF/classes folder. Also, in order to avoid problems with the groovy, it is necessary in WEB_INF/lib to throw the jar-file of this library, and that used by the main program (the same version).

This works if Spring beans are not used. But this is also a crutch solution, and I would like to disable all event timer events in the database in Activiti Modeler. Not yet found how to do it.

I watched the documentation for the system administrator. It says about the properties that can be set in activiti-app.properties. I found several properties that, judging by the description, can help me, and tried to set the necessary values ​​for them:


But this also gave nothing.

That is a limitation of running timers based on things that you are changing at runtime. We are fixing this in Activiti Cloud (Activiti 7) by separating the runtime in containers instead of just having a single monolithic application.

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