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How can I change an int value using function and pointer in C

    int boom_number;
    void get_boom_number(int *p)
    int x;
    p = &x;
    if(scanf("%d",&x)== 0)
        printf("Input Error!");
        *p = x;

I wan't to change the p value to the value that I scanned, what's wrong with my code?

This code demonstrates the right way, and the wrong way to change a number.

The function get_number_A will NOT make a meaningful change to its parameter, because C uses "pass-by-copy" for its parameters.

The function get_number_B will make a meaningful change to its parameter, because a pointer to the variable is passed.

void get_number_A(int x)
    x = 5; // This change will NOT happen outside of this function.

void get_number_B(int* p)
    *p = 7; // This change will happen outside of this function.

int main(void)
    int number = 0;

    printf("A.) The number is: %d; it was NOT modified.\n", number);

    printf("B.) The number is: %d; it was SUCCESSFULLY modified.\n", number);

    return 0;

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