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I don't understand how the time complexity for this algorithm is calculated

int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) 
    while ( (j<N-1) && (A[i]-A[j] > D) )
    if (A[i]-A[j] == D) 
        return 1; 

This code is said to have the time complexity of O(n), but I don't really get it. The inner loop is executed N times and the outer should be also N times? Is it maybe because of the j = 0; outside the loop that is making it only run N times?

But even if it would only run N times in the inner loop, the if statment check should be done also N times, which should bring the total time complexity to O(n^2)?

The reason why this is O(n) is because j is not set back to 0 in the body of the for loop.

Indeed if we take a look at the body of the for loop, we see:

while ( (j<N-1) && (A[i]-A[j] > D) )

That thus means that j++ is done at most n-1 times, since if j succeeds N-1 times, then the first constraint fails.

If we take a look at the entire for loop, we see:

int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    while ( (j<N-1) && (A[i]-A[j] > D) )
    if (A[i]-A[j] == D) 
        return 1;

It is clear that the body of the for loop is repeated n times, since we set i to i=0 , and stop when i >= N , and each iteration we increment i .

Now depending on the values in A we will or will not increment j (multiple times) in the body of the for loop. But regardless how many times it is done in a single iteration, at the end of the for loop, j++ is done at most n times, for the reason we mentioned above.

The condition in the while loop is executed O(n) (well at most 2×n-1 times to be precise) times as well: it is executed once each time we enter the body of the for loop, and each time after we execute a j++ command, but since both are O(n) , this is done at most O(n+n) thus O(n) times.

The if condition in the for loop executed n times: once per iteration of the for loop, so again O(n) .

So this indeed means that all "basic instructions" ( j++ , i = 0 , j = 0 , j < N-1 , etc.) are all done either a constant number of times O(1) , or a linear number of times O(n) , hence the algorithm is O(n) .

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