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How can I move catalina.out with log4j in Azure blob storage

How this can be achieve? I have a catalina.out log in a prod server which is growing fast in space. 6.7 GB in couple of days . I had the Idea at the begging to create a cronjob to be executed 2 or 3 days a week to run a script that copy catalina log to Azure blob storage and then wipe it out with just a command "echo "" > file". But moving 2 GB to azure every day that cron job executes don´t know if is the best idea either. way too big file. Is there a way that the logs is in another server/azure storage? Where should I configuer that? I read something about implementing log4j with tomcat, is this possible also? that catalina.out using log4j move it to other server? Howcan I achieve this?. I know that development team should check also why is growing and logging so fast this file, but in the meantime I need a solution to implement.


I read something about implementing log4j with tomcat, is this possible also?

I think what you want to describe is Log Rotation , if you want to use this way, here is a blog about how to configure it.

I had the Idea at the begging to create a cronjob to be executed 2 or 3 days a week to run a script that copy catalina log to Azure blob storage

Yes, you could choose this way to manage log, however I still have something to say. If you want to upload the log file to Azure Blob, I think you may get error for the large file . You need split large file into multiple small file. In this article , under the title Upload a file in blocks programmatically , there is detailed description.

From you description, you are not using Azure Web, so if you choose Azure Web , you could also use Azure Functions or WebJobs to do the cronjob.

If you still have other questions, please let me know.

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