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Maven profiles are not activating except default profile

I am working on a spring-boot application. I have two profiles inside my POM, but when I am trying the build the project using clean install -Pdev its not reflecting the change in application.properties, it'll only reflect when I am using 'activeByDefault' tag in one of the profile.




If I am running clean install -Pdev I am getting this in my application.properties. activatedProperties=@activatedProperties@

If I am setting the <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> then I'll get the value inside application.properties. activatedProperties=release.

The frustration is I am not able to use other profiles.

Add in your application.properties


If Maven doesn't find the directory which contains your application.properties file in runtime, you need to setup the Maven Resources Plugin to filter the directory.


Or just add what profile you want to active in application.properties


NOTE: The Maven profile and the Spring profile are different things.

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