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wrong number or types of arguments in call to procedure (PLS00306)

create or replace procedure flight_search(
v_source in flights.origin_ap%type,
v_destination in flights.destination_ap%type,
v_date in flights.depart_date%type,
v_flightid out flights.flightid%type,
v_fare out flights.fare%type)
cursor search_flight is SELECT flightid FROM flights
where v_source = origin_ap and v_destination = destination_ap and v_date = 

open search_flight;
fetch search_flight into v_flightid;
exit when search_flight%NOTFOUND;
dbms_output.put_line('Leaves from - ' || v_source || '. Arrives at - ' || 
v_destination || '. Fare - ' || v_fare);
end loop;
close search_flight;

executing by

execute flight_search('JFK', 'LHR', '11/25/18');

Getting wrong number or types of arguments in call to flight_search. I am assuming it has something to do with the flightid and fare variables.

Your procedure has 5 formal arguments, and your call only has 3. You need to supply somewhere for the out variables to go. As you seem to be using SQL*Plus or SQL Developer, judging by the execute , you can use bind variables and then print those out after the call:

variable l_flightid number;
variable l_fare number;

execute flight_search('JFK', 'LHR', date '2018-11-25', l_flightid, l_fare);

print l_flightid

I've also changed the third argument to an actual date, rather than a string which has to be implicitly converted to a date using your current session NLS settings. I've used a date literal , but you could also use to_date() with a string literal and a suitable format mask.

Incidentally, you aren't currently populating v_fare . so I haven't bothered printing that variable after the call; and it isn't obvious where it would come from. And you might want to consider using an implicit cursor loop instead of an explicit one.

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