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Mongo filter into GraphQL query | must be an object, got _String_

There's a way to pass a filter option to Mongo via GraphQL? because I tried this way but I had an error "message": "Parameter \\"filter\\" to find() must be an object, got {email: \\"test@test.com\\"}",

This is my query type

users: {
      type: new GraphQLList(UserType),
      args: {
        filter: { type: GraphQLString }
      resolve(_, { filter }, { req, res }) {
        // I tried several ways to get query string and give it to mongo into a object
        JSONFilter = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(filter));
        return UserSchema.find(JSONFilter);

and my query looks like this

query myReferrals {
  users(filter: "{email: \"test@test.com\"}"){ //I though this should be enough, but no!

It was a "typo", on my query should be this way:

query myReferrals {
  users(filter: "{\"email\": \"test@test.com\"}"){ // Just Add `\"key\"` to key

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