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How to get UpsertResult when using Mongo Outbound channel adapter?

I'm using spring integration to store data in a mongo database. I'm using the java classes (MongoDbStoringMessageHandler), not the xml configuration and I can't find the way to get the results when adding some data in the database...

Is it possible ? How ?

The MongoDbStoringMessageHandler is a one-way component and it doesn't return anything.

Consider to use a MongoDbOutboundGateway instead with the CollectionCallback injected where you can perform an updateMany() and get UpdateResult as a reply from this gateway.

See more info in the Reference Manual: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/mongodb.html#mongodb-outbound-gateway


but I don't know what parameter to put for the function to insert the Message payload.... Since there is no reference of the message in the ServiceActivator

Oh! I see. That a bug. We can't get access to the message from that context. Please, raise a JIRA on the matter: https://jira.spring.io/projects/INT/

Meanwhile as a workaround I suggest you ti write a custom POJO with injected MongoOperations and ther you can build any possible logic against a requestMessage .

The JIRA is here: https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-4570

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