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Forwarding Nginx port to gunicorn instance

I was following this tutorial to setup my flask server.


When I got to step 6 I see that they are setting flask for the whole url but I would like to point it to a specific port.

This is the code I have for my nginx which points. This currenly produces a 404.

server {
        listen 5000;
        server_name site.com;

        location / {
                include proxy_params;
                proxy_pass http://unix:/home/user/project/project.sock;

All the other files are the same as the tutorial. I have tried to modify the .sock file but it seems like it was generated automatically and it can't be modified. In addition I need to find a way for nginx to handle this before I worry about handling it from gunicorn.

My end goal is to have nginx foward requests to flask running when a request is sent to and have all other requests ,* be handled by nginx.

Any help to undestand all this is really appreciated got lost at this point.


my nginx configuration in sites-available

server {
     server_name domain www.domain; 
     location / {
         include proxy_params; 

If you want flask to be open to a port instead of a file you should override [service] to

ExecStart=/home/sammy/myproject/myprojectenv/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind -m 007 wsgi:app

And change your nginx config to proxy_pass;

This way you can have access to port 8000 for checking how are working gunicorn and flask . Remember to be careful with firewall rules to secure port 8000 . For a good discussion on which one is better you can try: gunicorn + nginx: Server via socket or proxy?

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