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WPF - How to fill the window with squares

Hey guys so I have a wpf application and I want to make a 100x100 grid of squares and be able to treat it like a normal collection (List, Array etc) in my code ;

How could I do that in WPF without writing <Rectangle .../> 10,000 times?

You can try to use a WrapPanel combined with an ItemsControl to do that :

<ItemsControl x:Name="RectanglesItemsControl">
           <WrapPanel IsItemsHost="True"/>
         <DataTemplate DataType="myNamespace:MyType">
             <Rectangle Width="{Binding Width}" Height="{Binding Height}"/>

MyType would be a simple class with a Width and Height property, it would also need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged .

You can then set your ItemsControl 's ItemsSource to your List, or even better, an ObservableCollection<MyType> , to register the collection changes:

RectangleItemsControl.ItemsSource = myLongCollectionFilledWithALotOfRectangles;

EDIT: You can replace WrapPanel by anything you want, you can also use a <UniformGrid Rows="100" Columns="100" IsItemsHost="True"/> to have 100 rows and columns.

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