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Select sum condition join table mysql

I want to sum column "sisastock" in "tbpembelian" join with "tbproduk". but my result just one row.

My query :

    pe.idprd,  p.nmprd, sum(pe.sisastock) as 'totalsisastock', 
    pe.tglmasuk, k.idkat, d.iddvs 
    tbproduk as p 
left join 
    tbpembelian as pe on pe.idprd = p.idprd 
    tbkategori as k on p.idkat = k.idkat 
    tbdivisi as d on p.iddvs = d.iddvs 
    sum(pe.sisastock) > 0 
order by 
    pe.tglmasuk DESC

Table "tbproduk"


Table "tbpembelian"


The result I want


Try This it may help, Because you have listed one column in your SQL SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SQL SUM function, you must use the SQL GROUP BY clause.

select pe.idprd,  p.nmprd,  pe.tglmasuk, k.idkat, d.iddvs, sum(pe.sisastock) as
from tbproduk as p 
left join tbpembelian as pe on pe.idprd = p.idprd 
join tbkategori as k on p.idkat = k.idkat 
join tbdivisi as d on p.iddvs = d.iddvs 
group by pe.idprd,  p.nmprd,  pe.tglmasuk, k.idkat, d.iddvs
having sum(pe.sisastock) > 0 
order by pe.tglmasuk DESC

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