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How do I mapping usb storage device path to physicaldrive?

I get the usb device path from


and I can get the device path such like


but I want to map device path to physical drvie

->  \\physicaldrive0,1,2......

or inverse I can map physical drvie to device path
Is there any way to do that?

oh, I found it. put the HANDLE into DeviceIoControl and use IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER

STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER number;   //use this to get disk numbers
DWORD readed;                   // discard results
BOOL result = DeviceIoControl(
    hdl,                // handle to device
    NULL,                            // lpInBuffer
    0,                               // nInBufferSize
    &number,           // output buffer
    sizeof(number),         // size of output buffer
    &readed,       // number of bytes returned
    NULL      // OVERLAPPED structure

and the number.DeviceNumber is the PhysicalDrive number

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