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How to assign values to any one or two prop using linq c# or inside generic method?

public class Company
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int Name { get; set; }
    public int Address{ get; set; }


List<Company> listofCompany = new List<Company>();

listofCompany is already filled and having some data.I want to replace its id and Name using linq

I can able to do it using foreach like below

 foreach (var item in listofCompany )
                            item.id= 123;
                            item.Name= 999;

But is there any better way to do it without foreach because my foreach code is there inside other method which is a generic method like below -

MyData<T>(List<T> anylist){}

Assuming you're alright with generating new Company objects then you can use Select along with ToList .

listofCompany.Select(x => new Company 
               {  Id = 123, 
                  Name = 999, 
                  Address = x.Address

Otherwise, if you want to modify the objects in place then you're better off with your current approach.

On another note, why is Name and Address represented as int ? seems strange as usually it's represented as a string .

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