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How to create a select drop-down using data from an array of objects in JavaScript?

I have an array of objects that I'd like to use to populate a Select option dropdown, but these elements do not already exist and must be created from scratch.

I have working code using the createElement method, but I can't use that method nor can I use options.add(new Option()) . How else can I create the select and option elements in the JavaScript?

  var optionsList = [ { label: "Option 1", value: "option-1" }, { label: "Option 2", value: "option-2" }, { label: "Option 3", value: "option-3" } ]; if (optionsList.length == 0) { console.log("No data"); } else { var selectTag = document.createElement("SELECT"); document.body.appendChild(selectTag); for (var i = 0; i < optionsList.length; i++) { var option = optionsList[i]; selectTag.options.add(new Option(option.label, option.value)); } } 

Instead of saying

selectTag.options.add(new Option(...))

Simply create a new 'option' element and then add it to the select tag like this

optionsList.forEach(function(item, index, array) {

   var opt = document.createElement("option");
   opt.text = item.label;
   opt.value = item.value;


You can look at this link https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_select_add.asp for more info.

and a working example here https://jsfiddle.net/L5342j0y/


optionsList.forEach(e => selectTag.innerHTML += `<option value=${e.value}>${e.text}</option>`);

The following HTML and JavaScript shows how to add a Select and Options using data from an array of objects containing option labels and their values:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="app.js"></script>
<body onload="app()">
    <p>Select your choice:</p>
    <div id="div-id">
       <!-- The select with data gets added here -->

app.js :

function app() {

    var optionsList = [
        label: "Option 1",
        value: "option-1"
        label: "Option 2",
        value: "option-2"
        label: "Option 3",
        value: "option-3"

    var selectTag = document.createElement("select");

    for (let optObj of optionsList) {
        let optEle = document.createElement("option");
        optEle.text = optObj.label;
        optEle.value = optObj.value;

    var div = document.getElementById("div-id");

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