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Select data from mysql using php in between dates got from html form, but date is stored in 3 different columns under day, month, year

I have a database where i want to select data with date in between dates got from html form .

lets assume database has columns - custid(int)(5) , query(varchar)(100) , day(int)(2) , month(int)(2) , year(int)(2) .

and i am getting date from form as dd/mm/yy

thereby i tried this but it's not working .

WHERE custid = 'x' AND 
(CONCAT(day'./.'month'./.'year) AS DATE BETWEEN '01/01/01' AND '01/01/99');

// where 01/01/2001 is the starting date and 01/01/99 recieved from html form and x is the custid recieved from too).

Is there any way around to solve it ?

Error in sql :

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use

near ' month './.' year ) AS DATE BETWEEN '01/01/2001' AND '01/01/2099') LIMIT 0, 25' at line 3

Edit 1 :

After looking through concat() function documentation and answer by jens , sql query after updation.

WHERE custid = 'x' AND 
(CONCAT(day','/','month','/','year) AS DATE BETWEEN '01/01/01' AND '01/01/99');

Your concat Syntax must by:

(CONCAT(day','/','month','/','year) BETWEEN '01/01/01' AND '01/01/99');

BTW: This makes a string compare not a date compare, so you should Change to a date format.

STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT('day','/','month','/','year'), '%d/%m/%Y') between STR_TO_DATE('01/01/01' ) and STR_TO_DATE('01/01/99', '%d/%m/%Y')

For more informations about the concat syntax see https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_concat.asp and for str_to_date syntax https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_str_to_date.asp

Some tips: don't use function or calculation at where clause with column.

In your case: 1. explode date from your form and get 3 part. 2. you can write SQL like this:

WHERE custid = 'x' AND
(year >= '1' AND year <='99' and month >= '1' and month <= '12' and day >= '1' and day <= '12')

Instead of comparing it as dates , i used concat() to use it as a numeric value and then using php functions i converted the date got fro mhtml form into numbers too, and then used simple between function to check if the value is in between the limits.

Then sql becomes

SELECT * FROM `ledger-company` 
WHERE `companyid` = '10' 
AND (CONCAT(year,month,day) BETWEEN '010101' AND '990199')

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