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Call oracle function in Spring JPA

I have this

  c number;
  c := get_next_unlocked_id();
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('id: ' || c);

This query print function result. But I need return this result in my Spring data JPA repositoru or entitiManager.

I try this:

    public Long getOld() {
        Long id = (Long) em.createNativeQuery("SELECT get_next_unlocked_id() FROM DUAL").getSingleResult();
        return id;

but I get error:

2019-01-10 15: 28: 25.768 ERROR 6724 --- [pool-1-thread-2] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper: ORA-14551: the DML operation cannot be performed inside the request
ORA-06512: on "MY.GET_NEXT_UNLOCKED_ID", line 8

The function you are calling in a select ( get_next_unlocked_id ) attempts to do data modification , which is not allowed the way you tried it.

The problem is that your solution appears to be "querying" while in effect it is modifying data. I assume your function increments some counter or updates something? The ORA errorcode you received is quite descriptive, here is the longer explanation .

The solution either way is to use CallableStatements from Java.

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