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How to call a custom Oracle function returning a value from JPA

I have a custom function in oracle returning a number after deleting records. I could get a value in sql_plus such as

call my_function(4) into :out_number;

where out_number is a variable defined as number.

I could verify out_number has a value when I do "PRINT OUT_NUMBER."

My question is how to call this function from JPA.

I've tried like

Query query = em.createNativeQuery("{call my_function(?)}");
query.serParameter(1, 4);
return query.executeUpdate();

and got an error basically my_function is not defined. How can I get a return value as in CALL...INTO on SQL_PLUS?

If this method is not desirable, can someone please recommend any suggestion? JPA is the only option for me at this moment. I could create a stored procedure but I'm not sure if I can get a return value from it since OUT parameters are not supported.

Thanks for your help in advance!

I used this to execute native functions in oracle:

Query query = em.createNativeQuery("select my_function(:param) from dual");
query.setParameter("param", 4);
return query.getSingleResult();

It's a quite old question but I have not found here the proper solution... Here is a code that works in my project:

    EntityManager em;
    String functionName = "NameOfStoredFunction";
    Map<String, Object> arguments = new LinkedHashMap();
    arguments.put("nameOfArgument", "value");
    StoredFunctionCall functionCall = new StoredFunctionCall();
    functionCall.setResult("RESULT", String.class);

    for(String key : arguments.keySet()){
        functionCall.addNamedArgumentValue(key, arguments.get(key));

    ValueReadQuery valQuery = new ValueReadQuery();

    Query query = ((JpaEntityManager)em.getDelegate()).createQuery(valQuery);

    String call_result = (String)query.getSingleResult();

From https://vladmihalcea.com/how-to-call-oracle-stored-procedures-and-functions-from-hibernate/ :

First, we can simply call the Oracle function just like any other SQL query:

BigDecimal commentCount = (BigDecimal) entityManager
        "SELECT fn_count_comments(:postId) FROM DUAL"
    .setParameter("postId", 1L)

Another approach is to call the database function using plain JDBC API:

Session session = entityManager.unwrap( Session.class );

final AtomicReference<Integer> commentCount = 
    new AtomicReference<>();

session.doWork( connection -> {
    try (CallableStatement function = connection
                "{ ? = call fn_count_comments(?) }"
        ) {
        function.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.INTEGER );
        function.setInt( 2, 1 );
        commentCount.set( function.getInt( 1 ) );
} );

When using Spring Data JPA / Spring JDBC you can use SimpleJdbcCall for calling functions and procedures.

For such function header:


Use this call:

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.SqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public class MyRepository {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public String callGetTextFunction(String param) {
        SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)
                .withCatalogName("PKG_PACKAGE") //package name
                .withFunctionName("GET_TEXT"); //function name
        SqlParameterSource paramMap = new MapSqlParameterSource()
                .addValue("p_param", param));
        //First parameter is function output parameter type.
        return jdbcCall.executeFunction(String.class, paramMap));


If you are using EclipseLink you can use a StoredFunctionCall object to call a stored function such as this.

You could also define it as a named query using the @NamedStoredFunctionQuery.

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