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ReferenceError: spyOnProperty is not defined

it('should update treatment instruction data in UI', async(() => {
     const spy = spyOnProperty(appService.treatmentInstruction, 'next', 

    fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

ReferenceError: spyOnProperty is not defined error is coming on running test case.

I want to spyOn treatmentInstruction BehaviorSubjectthat is present in my service as mentioned below :

treatmentInstruction = new BehaviorSubject(this.myGlobalVar);
currentTreatmentInstruction = this.treatmentInstruction.asObservable();

spyOnProperty was added on jasmine 2.6.0, be sure that you fulfill that requisite.

Since jasmine is a dependency of karma-jasmine update that instead. Looks like on old version of this library jasmine was added as a peer dependency so it would be up to you to install the correct version of jasmine .

按照“ @ types / jasmine”:“〜2.8.3”,“ jasmine-core”:“〜2.8.0”,

I had this issue, updating jasmine version didn't help. The problem came for jshint, in your test directory you must modify your .jshuntrc file : in "globals": { add => "spyOnProperty" : false

Worked for me

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