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Delphi & ADO - How to get value of ID column after Post?

To add a new record in MS SQL database table I used a TADOTable component and it's Append and Post methods.

My table contains ID column ( PK, auto-increment ) and after I execute Post method, I need to know what ID value is assigned in the new record.

How to do it?

Use TDOQuery component with OUTPUT clause to insert the data and return the ID s as

AQ.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO Table (Col1, Col2) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES (:Param1, :Param2)');
AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('Param1').Value:= SomeValue;
AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('Param2').Value:= SomeValue;

Note that you need to use Open method instead of ExecSQL to return the results.

You can also use SCOPE_IDENTITY and you will need to create a parameter to return the value for you, and assign pdReturnValue to the Direction of that parameter

Var InsertedID: Integer;
AQ.SQ.Add('INSERT INTO Table (Col1, Col2) VALUES (:Param1, :Param2);');
AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('Param1').Value:= SomeValue;
AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('Param2').Value:= SomeValue;
AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('ID').Direction:= pdReturnValue 
InsertedID:= AQ.Parameters.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger;

AQ in the example is a TADOQuery .

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