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json-Path (Restassured) how to bypass the root element or use wild cards to get the node values-

I am having the following response body via rest assured in java

"-1": {
    "totalExecutions": 0,
    "endDate": "",
    "description": "",
    "totalExecuted": 0,
    "started": "",
    "versionName": "Unscheduled",
    "expand": "executionSummaries",
    "projectKey": "test",
    "versionId": -1,
    "environment": "",
    "totalCycleExecutions": 0,
    "build": "",
    "ended": "",
    "name": "Ad hoc",
    "modifiedBy": "",
    "projectId": 99,
    "startDate": "",
    "executionSummaries": {
        "executionSummary": [

"7718": {
    "totalExecutions": 1,
    "endDate": "",
    "description": "",
    "totalExecuted": 1,
    "started": "",
    "versionName": "Unscheduled",
    "expand": "executionSummaries",
    "projectKey": "test",
    "versionId": -1,
    "environment": "",
    "totalCycleExecutions": 1,
    "totalDefects": 0,
    "build": "",
    "createdBy": "xyz",
    "ended": "",
    "name": "xyz_SignIn",
    "totalFolders": 0,
    "modifiedBy": "xyz",
    "projectId": 99,
    "createdByDisplay": "xyz",
    "startDate": "",
    "executionSummaries": {
        "executionSummary": [

"recordsCount": 2


to extract all the name element values I am using the following code

String[]  test_cycle_values;
JsonPath jsonPathEvaluator = response.jsonPath();
test_cycle_values = jsonPathEvaluator.get("*.[*].name");

the expected outcome I expect is Ad hoc, xyz_signIn

However I am getting Illegal argument exception for JsonPathEvauter

How can I retrive the name values from all the response body? JsonPathEvauter jar version is 3.0.5

If I use test_cycle_values = jsonPathEvaluator.get("7718.name");

I am getting it the value xyz_sign In


this should do your job. Works for me.

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