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how to connect to psql on google VM Instance

I can connect and ssh into the external VM. But I have a hard time accessing the postgres serve on the VM. I have done the following

  1. I updated the postgresql.conf to

    listen_addresses = '*'

    port = 5432

    1. I have did the following to my firewall.


what should i do next?

The firewall rule is really insecure (you are allowing everyone on internet to connect to your GCE instance using all the ports) and maybe another firewall rule is blocking this rule due to the priority is really low (the greater the priority number is, the lower priority has). Did you follow this tutorial? once you add listen_addresses = '*' , you need to restart your PostgreSQL service with sudo service postgresql restart .

Also, you need to create 2 firewall rules, one for ingress and another one for egress. Both to accept traffic to tcp:5432 , can you please create 2 firewall rules with more priority that accepts traffic from that port with a smaller IP range?

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