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Confused about Vector<type*> iterator

I have a base class cGameObject which has a virtual update function. I wish to have many derived game objects each with their own specific update function.

I want to add the derived gameobjects to a vector and iterate through them to call each of their update methods.

What is wrong with my iterator?

//In Header file
std::vector <cGameObject*> vGameObjs;
std::vector <cGameObject*>::iterator Iter;
cGameObject *AGameObj;

/In cpp file - add object pointer to vector
AGameObj = new BrickBat(128, 32, (1024 - 128) / 2, 768 - 64, 0);
AGameObj = new BrickBall(64, 512, 384, 1, 1, 0);

//Iterator Crashing??
for (Iter = vGameObjs.begin(); Iter != vGameObjs.end(); ++Iter)
    //Call Each Objects Update() method here?

When I run this, it throws an exception: read access violation. _Mycont was nullptr.

Not sure what to do.

error thrown Header of Class App Class:

#ifndef _H_AGK_TEMPLATE_
#define _H_AGK_TEMPLATE_

// Link to GDK libraries
#include "AGK.h"
#include "Brickbat.h"
#include "BrickBall.h"
#include "cGameObject.h"
#include <vector>

#define DEVICE_WIDTH 1024
#define DEVICE_HEIGHT 768
#define DEVICE_POS_X 32
#define DEVICE_POS_Y 32
#define FULLSCREEN false

// used to make a more unique folder for the write path
#define COMPANY_NAME "BitMaNip:Play"

// Global values for the app
class app

        // constructor
        app() { memset ( this, 0, sizeof(app)); }

        // main app functions - mike to experiment with a derived class for this..
        void Begin( void );
        int Loop( void );
        void End( void );

        //Vector of GameObject Pointers;
        std::vector <cGameObject*> vGameObjs;
        //Iterator of GameObjects
        std::vector <cGameObject*>::iterator Iter;

        BrickBat *MyBat;
        BrickBall *MyBall;

        cGameObject *AGameObj;


extern app App;


// Allow us to use the LoadImage function name
#ifdef LoadImage
 #undef LoadImage

cpp file for Header // Includes #include "template.h" #include "cGameObject.h" #include

// Namespace
using namespace AGK;

app App;

void app::Begin(void)
    agk::SetVirtualResolution (DEVICE_WIDTH, DEVICE_HEIGHT);
    agk::SetClearColor( 151,170,204 ); // light blue

    /*BrickBall = agk::CreateSprite(0);
    agk::SetSpriteSize(BrickBall, 64, 64);
    agk::SetSpriteColor(BrickBall, 255, 255, 255, 255);
    xPos = (DEVICE_WIDTH - 64) / 2;
    yPos = (DEVICE_HEIGHT - 64) / 2;
    agk::SetSpritePosition(BrickBall, xPos , yPos  );
    xDir = 1;
    yDir = 1;
    iSpeed = 8;*/

    MyBat = new BrickBat(128, 32, (1024-128)/2, 768-64, 0);

    AGameObj = new BrickBat(128, 32, (1024 - 128) / 2, 768 - 64, 0);

    MyBall = new BrickBall(64, 512, 384, 1, 1, 0);

    AGameObj = new BrickBall(64, 512, 384, 1, 1, 0);


int app::Loop (void)
    agk::Print( agk::ScreenFPS() );

    if (agk::GetRawKeyState(37) == 1)

    if (agk::GetRawKeyState(39) == 1)


    for (Iter = vGameObjs.begin(); Iter != vGameObjs.end(); ++Iter)

Derived class

include "cGameObject.h"

class BrickBall: public cGameObject { private:

bool bHoriDir;
bool bVertDir;
int iSpeed;
bool bPause;    //in case game is paused

public: BrickBall(int iSize, int xPos, int yPos, bool bHori, bool bVert, int ImageID); virtual void Update() override; virtual void Collided(int OtherSpriteToCheck) override; };


    return 0; // return 1 to close app

void app::End (void)


Base Class:

#pragma once
class cGameObject
    bool bInit = false;
    int iSprID;
    int iImageID;
    int iXPos;
    int iYPos;
    int iAngle;
    int iAlpha;
    int iWidth;
    int iHeight;
    int iColour;

    float fDeltaX;
    float fDeltaY;

    int iAniType;   //Type of animation
                    //0 = No Animation
                    //1 = Repeating Loop of Frames (All image is animation)
                    //2 = 

    int iFrameW;        //Width of Animation Frame
    int iFrameH;        //Height of Animation frame
    int iFPS;       //Animation Delay
    int iNumFrames; //Number of animation frames
    int iAniCount;  //Frame Counter

    // set up default for constructor
    cGameObject(int width = 16, int height = 16, int xPos = 0, int yPos = 0, int ImageID = 0);

    void SetPosition(int ixPos, int iyPos);
    void SetSize(int iWidth, int iHeight);
    void SetWidth(int Width);
    void SetAngle(int iAngle);
    void SetTransparency(int iAlpha);
    void SetAnimation(int Type, int FrameW, int FrameH, int FPS, int NumFrames);

    virtual void Collided(int OtherSpriteToCheck) {};

    virtual void Update() {};

    int iGetWidth();
    int iGetHeight();
    int iGetX();
    int iGetY();
    int iGetSprID();


Base Class cpp

    #include "cGameObject.h"
#include "agk.h"

void cGameObject::SetAngle(int iAngle)
    if (bInit == true)
        if (iAngle > 0 && iAngle < 359)
            agk::SetSpriteAngle(iSprID, iAngle);

//cGameObject::cGameObject(int width, int height, int xPos, int yPos, const char * szImageFile)
cGameObject::cGameObject(int width, int height, int xPos, int yPos, int ImageID)
    bInit = true;
    iImageID = 0;
    /*if (std::strlen(szImageFile) > 0)
        iImageID = agk::LoadImage(szImageFile);
        if (iImageID < 1)
            bInit = false;
    iColour = agk::MakeColor(255, 255, 255);

    //init animation code
    iAniType = 0;   //Type of animation
    iFrameW = 64;       //Width of Animation Frame
    iFrameH = 64;       //Height of Animation frame
    iFPS = 10;      //Animation Delay
    iNumFrames = 1; //Number of animation frames
    iAniCount = 0;  //Frame Counter

    iSprID = agk::CreateSprite(iImageID);
    if (iSprID < 1)
        bInit = false;
        agk::SetSpriteSize(iSprID, width, height);
        agk::SetSpritePosition(iSprID, xPos, yPos);
        fDeltaX = 4.0;
        fDeltaY = 4.0;



void cGameObject::SetPosition(int ixPos, int iyPos)
    if (bInit == true)
        agk::SetSpritePosition(iSprID, ixPos, iyPos);

void cGameObject::SetSize(int iWidth, int iHeight)
    if (bInit == true)
        if (iWidth > 0 && iWidth < 1024 && iHeight > 0 && iHeight < 1024)
            agk::SetSpriteSize(iSprID, iWidth, iHeight);

void cGameObject::SetWidth(int Width)
    if (bInit == true)

void cGameObject::SetTransparency(int iAlpha)
    if (bInit == true)
        if (iAlpha > 0 && iAlpha < 256)
            agk::SetSpriteTransparency(iSprID, iAlpha);

void cGameObject::SetAnimation(int Type, int FrameW, int FrameH, int FPS, int NumFrames)
    iAniType = Type;
    iFrameW = FrameW;       //Width of Animation Frame
    iFrameH = FrameH;       //Height of Animation frame
    iFPS = FPS;             //Animation Delay
    iNumFrames = NumFrames; //Number of animation frames
    iAniCount = 0;          //Frame Counter

    agk::SetSpriteAnimation(iSprID, iFrameW, iFrameH, iNumFrames);

    if (iAniType > 0)
        agk::PlaySprite(iSprID, iFPS);

int cGameObject::iGetWidth()
    if (bInit == true)
        return agk::GetSpriteWidth(iSprID);
        return 0;

int cGameObject::iGetHeight()
    if (bInit == true)
        return agk::GetSpriteHeight(iSprID);
        return 0;

int cGameObject::iGetX()
    if (bInit == true)
        return agk::GetSpriteX(iSprID);
        return 0;

int cGameObject::iGetY()
    if (bInit == true)
        return agk::GetSpriteY(iSprID);
        return 0;

int cGameObject::iGetSprID()
    if (bInit == true)
        return iSprID;
        return 0;

    if (bInit == true)

Derived Class Header:

#include "cGameObject.h"

class BrickBall: public cGameObject

    bool bHoriDir;
    bool bVertDir;
    int iSpeed;
    bool bPause;    //in case game is paused

    BrickBall(int iSize, int xPos, int yPos, bool bHori, bool bVert, int ImageID);
    virtual void Update() override;
    virtual void Collided(int OtherSpriteToCheck) override;

Derived Class cpp

#include "BrickBall.h"

BrickBall::BrickBall(int Size, int xPos, int yPos, bool bHori, bool bVert, int ImageID):cGameObject(Size, Size, xPos, yPos, ImageID)
    iWidth = Size;
    iHeight = Size;
    iXPos = xPos;
    iYPos = yPos;
    bHoriDir = bHori;
    bVertDir = bVert;
    /*iSprID = agk::CreateSprite(0);
    agk::SetSpriteColor(iSprIdx, 255, 255, 255, 255);
    //agk::SetSpriteSize(iSprIdx, iSize, iSize);
    agk::SetSpriteSize(iSprIdx, 64, 64);
    //agk::SetSpritePosition(iSprIdx, ixPos, iyPos);
    agk::SetSpritePosition(iSprIdx, ixPos, iyPos);
    bInit = true;*/
    iSpeed = 8;


void BrickBall::Update()
    if (bInit==true)// && BatID > 0)
        //Move Ball
        agk::SetSpriteColor(iSprID, 100, 100, 100, 255);


        if (bHoriDir == 1)  //Right
            iXPos = iXPos + iSpeed;
            if (iXPos > 1024 - iWidth)
                bHoriDir = 0;
            iXPos = iXPos - iSpeed;
            if (iXPos < 0)
                bHoriDir = 1;

        if (bVertDir == 1)  //down
            iYPos = iYPos + iSpeed;
            if (iYPos > 768 - 64)
                bVertDir = 0;
            iYPos = iYPos - iSpeed;
            if (iYPos < 0)
                bVertDir = 1;

        agk::SetSpritePosition(iSprID, iXPos, iYPos);

        //END Move Ball
        //Bat2Ball Collisions
        /*if (agk::GetSpriteCollision(iSprID, BatID))
            //We have collided. 
            //As Ball is bigger than the gap below the bat must have hit top or sides
            //so just flip the vertcal direction
            if (bVertDir == 1)
                bVertDir = 0;


void BrickBall::Collided(int OtherSpriteToCheck)
    if (agk::GetSpriteCollision(iSprID, OtherSpriteToCheck))
        if (bVertDir == 1)
            bVertDir = 0;

I don't know the cause of your error, but I got this exact error because I had an iterator to a vector, then I updated the vector, then I tried to dereference the iterator (eg access *myIterator). I'm new to C++, but it seems that if you alter a collection after getting an iterator for it, your iterator is no longer valid. You need to repoint your iterator to wherever it was.

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