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ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [9] Cloud build XXXXXXXXXXXX status: FAILURE

I had this error for almost an hour but found a solution resulting into a big worrying dilemma. The solution let to realization that one cannot run gcloud app deploy while there is a task in the task queue to be served by the server version to be replaced.

The error was: ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [9] Cloud build XXXXXXXXXXXX status: FAILURE that xxxx part is some auto-generated base64 value.

The solution was: Deleting all the tasks in the task queue

Question: Is there workaround or I have to delete all the tasks in the task queue (like I did) before deploying?

Details: Server is written in nodejs.

  1. You have to enable billing for your project.

Setup billing account


I suspect that the need for emptying the task queues when tasks destined for the version being deleted could be driven by the virtual "head-of-the-line blocking" that would occur in this case, affecting other services/versions in the project (task queues are shared across a project) and maybe even the related GAE infra functionality.

Fundamentally re-writing a certain app/service version kinda defeats the whole purpose of versioning (imagine git allowing you to change the content of the commit/refpoint associated with a certain SHA signature!). But in some cases - for example when the version is actually used to implement a certain execution environment - that's intentional.

What you described is not the only issue with GAE deployments over-writing a certain version of an app/service (which I didn't think about before, BTW, thank you for that!). Another one is captured in Continuous integration/deployment/delivery on Google App Engine, too risky? .

If your deployments with version re-write are actually an attempt to implement deployment environments you may want to also look at a couple of other potential (IMHO better) alternatives compared in Advantages of implementing CI/CD environments at GAE project/app level vs service/module level?

一旦我从 bash 升级到 zsh,就会发生这种情况,在部署脚本的顶部添加 #!/bin/bash 解决了这个问题。

I got the same issue, but this was due to my build failed. I went to the following link


(substitute your project name)

and clicked on the failed build and check for the errors in the log.

after fixing that error my build worked fine.

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