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error CS0138: A 'using namespace' directive can only be applied to namespaces; 'Collision2D'

I tried to make a script for moving platforms, where Player can stay "blocked" on it.But when i saved the script, it showed me this: `error CS0138: A 'using namespace' directive can only be applied to namespaces; 'Collision2D' is a type not a namespace. Consider a 'using static' directive instead

The script is :

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Collision2D;

public class OnMovingPlat : MonoBehaviour

    private Vector3 velocity;

    private bool moving;

    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        if (collision.WasWithPlayer())
            moving = true;

    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
        if (collision.WasWithPlayer())

    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (moving)
            transform.position += (velocity * Time.deltaTime);

What can i do ?

Seams Collision2D becomes a Type. you may accidentally create a class name called "Collision2D" under "UnityEngine" namespace.

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