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Rails query associated model

I'm forking a repo off another to be a standalone for a client and for whatever reason I'm having a brain freeze.

Looking to set specific queries to only hit this one Region: Southwest and then all locations associated.

So naturally the model structure is:

has_many :locations

belongs_to :region

I'm looking at updating some code to specifically hit the Region Southwest in some helpers and it's far too clunky.

def southwest_general
 Region.where(name: 'Southwest')

def southwest_locations
 Location.where(region_id: 5)

def all_locations
 southwest_locations.all.map do |loc|
  pin = { icon: pin_path(loc.region_id) }

I'm really looking at updating the southwest_locations method to hit the Region model through Locations. I thought I could do something:

def southwest_locations
 Location.includes(:regions).where('regions.name =?', 'Southwest').references(:regions)

But that's really more of a search not a db query right?


Location.joins(:region).where(regions: {id: 5}) 

I'd do this like this, which I think shows the intent far better:

Region.find_by(name: 'Southwest').locations

I should note that this will perform two queries.

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