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Initialization Error expected a file cucumber to run a .jar

I have an automation test that I use Cucumber, Junit and I can run with Java Application.

Runner Class:

@CucumberOptions(strict = false, features = "src/main/java/FaixaVS_NaoCadastrado/FaixaVS_NaoCadastrado/FaixaVS_NaoCadastrado.feature", glue = { "StepDefinition" }, format = { "pretty",
"json:C:/Automação Receba Em Casa/Evidências/FVS_NaoCadastrado/Relatório/cucumber.json" }, tags = { "~@ignore" })

public class Runner {

Jar Class:

public class Jar {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(Runner.class);
            for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {

I can run it inside Eclipse as Java Application, but when I Export it like a Runnable jar and run it I receive the follow massage from CMD:

C:\\Users\\c.guiao.de.oliveira>java -jar C:\\Users\\c.guiao.de.oliveira\\Desktop\\FVS_NaoCadastrado.jar initializationError(FaixaVS_NaoCadastrado.FaixaVS_NaoCadastrado.Runner): Expected a file URL:rsrc:cucumber-java-1.2.3.jar

Can you help me?

Few options:

  • Verify that the path you are using to get resource is correct. I encounter tests that IntelliJ (that is not case sensitive when it comes to resource path) executed successfully and maven clean install failed.

  • Verify that cucumber dependencies are part of the jar. It can work in IntelliJ if you mistakenly added it to the classpath instead of adding it to the pom.xml file.

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