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Unable to connect from Intellij to mySql running in docker container - "specified database user/password combination is rejected"

Currently unable to connect from Intellij to mySql running locally on docker container on ubuntu.

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| tasklogs           |

| tasklogs | localhost | dev  |
| tasklogs | localhost | root |

| Grants for dev@localhost                                  |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `dev`@`localhost`                   |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `tasklogs`.* TO `dev`@`localhost` |

docker ps -a:


When I connect via intellij:


ie "The specified database user/password combination is rejected: [28000][1045] Access denied for user 'dev'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"

I am putting in the right password.

Any help really appreciated.


As @danblack mentioned, I needed to connect via tcp.

1) To get the IP of the container:

docker inspect mysql1

2) I changed the mysql user to allow access from all locations (as mentioned here ):

'dev'@'%' it was 'dev'@'localhost' previously

That did the trick:



You didn't map your port with the localhost so you can't use localhost this is why couldn't do it

  - "3306:3306"

If none of the answers above worked for you:

In my case I had forgotten to expose the port, but in addition I had mySQL running locally as well.

So in order to debug this I did the following:

mysql -h localhost -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root --password=password

The above was successful, and I managed to login through the terminal.

Important note: when the container was done, the same command allowed me to login to the local (non-containerized) mySQL. Thus I was trying to identify a potential conflict between the two, since both had the same port.

Solution: I exposed the DB in the container in a different port 3309 and thus managed to connect successfully.

  - "3309:3306"

Also checking the following might help as well:

  • In the Advanced tab, add the following value to the enabledTLSProtocols setting ( Reference here ): enabledTLSProtocols: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
  • Driver file: MySQL Connector/J ver 8.0.15

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