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Complete Observable Sequence After "long" interval

The following observable sequence adds each element to a ReplaySubject so that I can access any elements later and even await the completion of the ReplaySubject. It completes the ReaplySubject after a timespan has been reached.

ReplaySubject<string> rfidPlayer = new ReplaySubject<string>();
        onNext: result =>
            string nextTag = BitConverter.ToString(result.Data);
            nextTag = nextTag.Replace("-", "");

        onCompleted: () =>

I would like the sequence to run until it has been a given time since the last "OnNext" call and then complete. This will be very useful in a variety of bluetooth communication scenarios where the bluetooth device will give me a sequence of data and then just stop without any kind of completion message or event. In these scenarios I need to heuristically determine when the sequence is done and then complete it myself. So, if it's been "too long" since the last bluetooth notification I would like to complete the ReplaySubject.

I could do this by creating a timer, resetting it when each element is received, and then completing the ReplaySubject when the timer reaches "too long", but I've heard that creating an object and manipulating it from within an observable subscription is not thread safe.

Any suggestion on how I can complete a sequence after a "too long" interval?

Here is a version that is not thread safe from what I've heard but should work as intended:

bool reading = true;
System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) =>
    reading = false;

ReplaySubject<string> rfidPlayer = new ReplaySubject<string>();
    .TakeWhile(x => reading)
        onNext: result =>
            string nextTag = BitConverter.ToString(result.Data);
            nextTag = nextTag.Replace("-", "");


        onCompleted: () =>

this seems satisfactory based on Simonare's first answer:

                    onNext: result =>
                        string nextTag = BitConverter.ToString(result.Data);
                        nextTag = nextTag.Replace("-", "");

                    onError: error =>

you may consider to use Timeout Operator . The only downside of this is it terminates with error signal. You may need to handle false error

The Timeout operator allows you to abort an Observable with an onError termination if that Observable fails to emit any items during a specified span of time.

If you use the approach below you can surpass error

 .Timeout(200, Promise.resolve(42));

Another variant allows you to instruct timeout to switch to a backup Observable that you specify, rather than terminating with an error, if the timeout condition is triggered.

        onNext: result =>
        onError: error =>

I find it nasty to use Timeout because of the exceptions.

I prefer to inject a value into the sequence that I can use to terminate the sequence. If my sequence, for example, produces non-negative numbers then if I inject a -1 I know to end the sequence.

Here's an example:

Start with this observable that generates powers of 2 beginning with 1 and it also delays producing each value by the number of milliseconds of the pending value.

    .Generate(1, x => true, x => 2 * x, x => x, x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(x))

So 1, 2, 4, 8, etc, getting slower and slower.

Now I want to stop this sequence if there are no values for 3.0 seconds then I can do this:

    .Select(x => Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0)).Select(y => -1).StartWith(x))
    .TakeWhile(x => x >= 0)

If I run this sequence I get this output:


The sequence is about to produce 4096 but it first waits 4096 milliseconds to produce that value - in the meanwhile the Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0)) fires and outputs a -1 thus stopping the sequence.

The key part of this query is the use of Switch . It takes an IObservable<IObservable<T>> and produces a IObservable<T> by only subscribing to the latest outer observable and unsubscribing from the previous one.

So, in my query, each new value produced by the sequence stops and restarts the Timer .

In your case your observable would look like this:

    .Select(result => BitConverter.ToString(result.Data).Replace("-", ""))
    .Select(x => Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)).Select(y => (string)null).StartWith(x))
    .TakeWhile(x => x != null)

Here is a custom operator TakeUntilTimeout you could use, which is a thin layer on top of the built-in Timeout operator.

/// <summary>
/// Applies a timeout policy for each element in the observable sequence.
/// If the next element isn't received within the specified timeout duration
/// starting from its predecessor, the sequence terminates.
/// </summary>
public static IObservable<T> TakeUntilTimeout<T>(
    this IObservable<T> source,
    TimeSpan timeout)
    return source.Timeout(timeout, Observable.Empty<T>());

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