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I am getting unexpected behaviour when using Java Streams and Scanners

I recently saw a topic of some Uni coursework which was being conducted by a friend whom was instructed to do it a certain way. I thought I'd take the opportunity to jump in on the task.

I created a Book class like so:

class Book
    private String author, title;

    public Book setAuthor(String a)
        author = a;
        return this;

    public Book setTitle(String t)
        title = t;
        return this;

    public String getAuthor() 
        return author;

    public String getTitle()
        return title;

The concept is that a user can create multiple books at the start of the program and then search for an author:

private final static int BOOK_NO = 3;
private final static SO instance = new SO(); // This is whatever you called the class

public static void main(String[] args)
    Book[] books = new Book[BOOK_NO];
    Scanner kybd = new Scanner(System.in);

    for(int i = 0; i < BOOK_NO; i++)
        books[i] = instance.addBook(kybd, new Book());

    Arrays.stream(instance.findBook(kybd, books)).forEach(o -> {
        System.out.println(o.getTitle() + " by " + o.getAuthor());

public Book addBook(Scanner s, Book b)

    System.out.println("Enter the Author of this book:");

    System.out.println("Enter the Title of this book:");

    return b;

public Book[] findBook(Scanner s, Book[] bs)
    System.out.println("Search a book by author:");

    List<Book> finding = Arrays .stream(bs)
            .filter(o -> o.getAuthor().equalsIgnoreCase(s.next()))

    System.out.println("Found " + finding.size() + " matches.");

    Book[] output = new Book[finding.size()];
    output = finding.toArray(output);
    return output;

Now the whole program works fine, however I am experience unexpected behaviour with the Scanner when it comes to searching for a book. Here is a direct input/output behaviour I am experiencing:

Enter the Author of this book:
Enter the Title of this book:
Enter the Author of this book:
Enter the Title of this book:
Enter the Author of this book:
Enter the Title of this book:
Search a book by author:
Found 2 matches.
Bar by Foo
FooBar by Foo

As you can see, I am having to type the author of the book into the scanner 3 times before getting any result. How can I mitigate this? What is causing this to happen?

This is because in your Stream you call next() , so for every Book object in the Stream , the Predicate in the call to filter is applied to it, and next() will be called. Resolve it to a variable so it isn't called more than once:

String book = s.next();
List<Book> finding = Arrays.stream(bs)
                           .filter(o -> o.getAuthor().equalsIgnoreCase(book))

filter() accepts a Predicate , which in this case will be something like:

Predicate<String> pred = str -> str.equalsIgnoreCase(s.next());

So every time it is applied, next() will be called

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